Namakarana of Kulkarni Twin Brothers

Namakarana ( Naming ceremony ) of my chweeties was fun . I wanted it to very special and unique so we decided  to dress them in traditional attire , brought all stuff for decoration , we thought to gift all kids . We invited everyone in a different way through e card with wordings as though my babies are inviting them. We made all other preparations in a hurry. Akka had come from london , jishnu was here , my in laws, my relatives were also there , house was full with joy and excitement . Mom now had to deal with 3 naughty mischieve grandsons . All went fine , though in a hurry , but sad part was our camera broke down at that time so couldnt take good pics , there was no family photo and it was too hot in the chathram , my babies started crying , so no good snaps but was still happy , we named them " SAMARTH" and " SAMRUDDH" . We actually tried to get rhyming names but Santhu liked Samarth name a lot  and our house name is "SAMRUDDHI" so we named the younger one "SAMRUDDH". Their names were recited by their dad into their ears like an echo as per our custom . We also performed Ayusha homa - done for long live of babies  and Anna Prashana - ritual done for first time solid intake of babies. Anna means rice , Prashana means intake .We usually prepare some sweet like kheer and feed babies with dad's finger ring first and then rice with ghee . This is a permission given to babies from then on they are allowed to eat anything . Everything is done in a holy and systematic way in hindu custom , we need understand the reason behind it.