Journey of first 4 months with my cuties

My experience with my cuties was very nice , it became very hectic for me taking care of two alone wid my mom , both were not sleeping at night , both were waking up one after the other , feeding them was a problem as I wasnt getting rest . Their 12th day was awesome when they were put into the cradle for first time . Its Hindu ritual called totillu shaastra where in the new born is put into cradle for the first time. All my relatives came , all aunties were excited , they sang songs, enjoyed with my babies .   When  I was pregnant I had no work but now I had plenty of work , no time to eat , sleep somehow managed , thanks to Santhu once again , he tolerated all my frustation , took patience , took care of our babies at night though he was busy at work , I always liked him for him patience, dedication , I am lucky in that way . As days passed on life became more exciting each and every day was special  for me seeing their development , they were amusing me in their own way , How muchever tired I was , their smile made me forget everything , its a miracle . They started sleeping correctly from 4th month , eating ragi seri during night .  Their daily routine was changed , more scheduled and systematic. I should also thank my mom and dad for their extreme dedication to my babies growth , mom you are simply great , nobody can replace a mom , we will realise mom's importance only when we become mom , thats the magic of motherhood . Special thanks to their "Avva" (Great Grandma of my cuties) who brought all clothes stiched by herself at her 90s age . Hats off to her . There is a lot to learn from her , her patience , her dedication and hardwork . She is simply the best .